Friday, August 19, 2011

Kaden is so funny.

Kaden is such a funny kid. I have really seen him grow up the last few months by leaps and bounds. With that he strives to be as funny as he can and likes to get in a good quip as often as possible.
So yesterday I took him in to see his Diabetes Doctor. There was a women there who was interning. She came in to see Kaden first and ask some questions before his regular Doctor saw him.
One of the questions she asked was, "Do you have trouble seeing?"
Kaden replies, "In the dark."
I thought it was hilarious and chuckled out loud but quickly shut my mouth when I looked at the very pregnant intern and saw that she wasn't amused.
Oh well. Thought I'd share because I know most of you who read my blog would get a chuckle out of this;)!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Bwahahaha!! Kaden IS so funny! Love that kid!!