Wednesday, September 16, 2009


and what a doozie it was.....

As most of you know I made it to my due date, thats right, July 23rd 2009. And I would've gone longer had the most awesomest Dr. Gomez not have made my day be admitting me into the hospital the night of the 22nd to be induced. Bless that man.

Unfortunatly, I ended up with a C-section :( no fun, because the cord was wrapped around little Dillons head. But... I had my most favoritest and best photographer in the whole world there for the whole thing.

Poor Sandi probably saw more of me than she EVER wanted to and bless her heart stayed right by my side for any and all rollercoaster emotions I hurled her way. She even told the hospital that she was my sister so she could get in to where my sweet baby was after the cesarean and take his first pics! Well Sandi, your a sister to me and I cannot thank you enough for the memories and photos (some of which I wouldn't have been able to see since I was drugged up for the cesarean) of my sweetest Dillon. I HIGHLY recommend having a photographer for your birth, I've got pictures of Dillon I never got to see with the other children I've birthed. I'm sure this goes for all other women who as I didn't, don't realize they are even missing out on. Like babies first bath, the checking of vitals, the cutting of the cord, etc. all because you are still in the bed recovering or delivering the afterbirth. I am SUPER excited to be able to see all the things I didn't know I was missing!!

And once again, I had THE BEST photographer of them all. Check her out at She has already done another labor and delivery since mine, really there is nothing she can't take an amazing picture of!


(disclaimer-enjoy in no particular order because my computer STINKS and it took me a hundred years to get the pictures to upload...... only let me do 2 at a time.......stupid computer........)

Dillons nametag:

This should be the last picture of Dillon you see on the post but alas, its the first.

Getting wrapped up in a warm blanket, so cute.
Daddy L O V E S this little boy.
Miracles they are.....

So Dillon has big feet.
So Dillon is big. Future linebacker?
This should be the first picture of this post it is when I found out I would be starring in an emergency C-section.
He is such a perfect angel.
Daddy bringing the baby over so I could see him. I'm still numb at this time so I can't hold him yet.
He was worth every minute of it. Aren't they all though?

1 comment:

sandi said...

Awwwww, Aimes! I love you, sister! Sniffle!