Friday, March 13, 2009

We are having a.....

BOY!!! So I am unable to post the videos of the ultrasound and most hilariously, Makaylas reaction, due to being computer illiterate and my dinosaur of a computer and HD camcorder being incompatible. (Rachel this is why I don't ever have any videos up :( , sorry). Anyhoo, I will do that someday......
Here is the story anyway; we all like to read right?
So Ray and I go to the Ultrasound; just the two of us; while Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Lisa, Kaden, Porter, and Makayla wait at our house on pins and needles. Ok, so maybe Kaden and Porter weren't on pins and needles because they are boys and could really care less at this time that we are having a baby. I'm sure that will change when little brother is old enough to start getting into their stuff :)!
So I thought the baby was going to be a girl. Makayla wanted the baby to be a girl. Makayla and I had gone as far as already picking matching tutu cat costumes for Halloween (see previous post about my fabulous homemade tutus), names, and girl colored yarn for the baby blanket I will be crocheting. We really liked this light pink yarn with hot pink specks throughout. It reminded me of peppermint ice cream.
Ray had a dream and continued to believe that the baby was a boy.
Kaden and Porter could've cared less.
I tried to get Ray to make a bet with me about what gender the baby would be but he didn't have faith in himself. He thought that I knew something he didn't due to the fact that I am the one carrying the child. Oh well, his loss.
So, the ultrasound tech went through the anatomy of the baby. Starting with his head, down the spine, into the stomache, and bladder. He even checked the baby's leg bones before getting to the point we had all been waiting for. Don't get me wrong the tech was fantastic and I loved knowing that each anatomical part he showed us of the baby was in perfect proportion, working properly, and perfect in appearance for 20 weeks gestation.
As he focused in on the gender he stated "you are the proud owners of a brand new 2009, no doubt about it.............. look at that little stinger" "Congratulations you are having a boy!"
Dang it!!
I wasn't upset that it was a healthy baby boy. I was disappointed that once again Ray was right.
He's always right.
He didn't rub it in but on the way home in the car Ray says, "now about that bet".
To bad he didn't believe in himself.
Anyway, we leave everyone at home on pins and needles and make them watch the ultrasound video all the way through to find out what we we're having.
Makayla was hilarious to watch and we video taped her reaction (look for the video on Americas funniest home videos show, it is that funny. I will get it on here as soon as I figure out how...)
She didn't get that we were going to have a boy when the ultrasound tech said "look at that little stinger" and she didn't hear him say it was a boy because everyone else was cheering and congratulating. So Makayla just sat there with a confused smile on her face until Aunt Lisa said "Makayla you're going to have a little brother". To which Makaylas smile disappeared and she buried her face in her hands.
Then she cried.
She wanted a little sister.
She's ok with it now but it took a few days of telling her how great it was going to be that she didn't have to share all her girlie toys and whatnot. And that she was going to stay the princess of the family being the only girl.
I think the pearl earrings my mom gave her also helped....
Makayla helped me pick out some new blue yarn for the blanket I'm crocheting for the baby.
Now we just have to think of some boy names........


Unknown said...

Haha! Love Makayla's reaction, can't wait to see the video!! And for baby boy Fulps to come, yay!!! :) :)

raffleckt said...

Cutest. Post. Ever. LOVE IT! (I'm on pins & needles too now waiting for that video!)

Wendy said...

Oh, I should have asked you if we could watch the video last weekend. Maybe we could play it at your shower! (Sorry, can't help with the video thing. All the videos I've uploaded thus far have just been off the digital camera. But you should definitely call Steve. I know he likes it when we all call him. =) )